Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
My hope is that you were able to enjoy summer break as it is important to recharge and find time for the things that bring you joy.
“Once a Matador, always a Matador.” It is a Monta Vista High School saying that speaks to being part of our Matador family and is true for all students, parents, and educators.
It is in this spirit that I want to welcome our incoming 9th grade students, the class of 2028, as well as all other students new to Monta Vista. To our returning students, welcome back and we look forward to a great year culminating in the celebration of the graduating class of 2025!
Below you will find a few items that I would like to share with you as we prepare to begin the new school year.
Focus for 2024-2025: Monta Vista High School continues to be a special place where we are proud to offer students a comprehensive high school experience. Educators at Monta Vista continue to look ahead to this 2024-2025 school year and beyond as we collectively think about the wellbeing of our students and how to support them for more equitable outcomes for all learners.
Throughout the school year, educators at Monta Vista will engage in professional dialogue to continue to look for opportunities to improve as a school for our students. Guided by educators at Monta Vista who care deeply about our students, we will continue our work to establish a culture of caring and wellness as this is at the heart of our work. Our continued journey this year will focus on equitable learning practices here at Monta Vista. This includes a true belief that our work together as educators (equity, social emotional learning, and equitable grading practices) in course-alike collaborative teams can more positively and equitably impact student learning. Our educators here at Monta Vista want all students to feel valued, connected, and a sense of belonging to thrive here on campus.
We are excited to be able to continue with our new programming to expand on our comprehensive high school experience for our students. We are in year two of piloting Intro to Ethnic Studies and Health (semester courses) as they will become required courses very soon here at Monta Vista. We welcome Stagecraft as a new course this year for our students and for Monta Vista Drama. In its second year, our Guided Studies Program looks to support underserved students here on campus during periods one through five. Also in its second year, our staffed wellness room is available for students to foster mindfulness and wellness throughout the entire school day. And new this year will be social emotional learning curriculum with Wayfinder for educators here at Monta Vista to engage students in social emotional learning classroom practices that look to build purpose and belonging.
Office is open: Our main office opens again for the 2024-2025 school year on Monday, August 5 and office hours will be 7:45am to 4:15pm. Our Monta Vista website also continues to be the source of the most up to date information throughout the school year.
Monta Vista 9th Grade/New Parent-Guardian Welcome Webinar: This evening webinar event is for parent/guardian(s) of rising 9th grade students and/or a new student coming to Monta Vista for the 2024-2025 school year. Join us on Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00pm for the webinar. Details, including the webinar link, will be emailed soon.
Class of 2028 Matador Retreat: This day is for all members in the class of 2028 (rising 9th grade students). The event occurs on Thursday, August 15 and includes a freshman orientation and a freshman dance. Please see the event flyer here for more information as this is a recommended welcoming orientation for all in the class of 2028.
New Student Grades 10-12 Lunch: This event on Friday, August 16 is for new students to Monta Vista in grades 10-12. It is a wonderful meet and greet opportunity for new students that includes learning important information about our school. Please see the event flyer here.
Beginning of School: Tentative course schedules for all students will be emailed to students in early August. Students will have an opportunity to request course changes/corrections electronically via a Google Form that will also be included in the email. The email will come from Student final course schedules will become available on the first day of school, Monday, August 19. School and ID pictures will be taken during the first week of school on Tuesday – Friday. Look for more detailed information to be included in future email communication.
Continued Bell Schedule: Monta Vista continues to have a later school start time as part of a larger effort to support student wellness. We will be continuing with this bell schedule for the 2024-2025 school year as it features four block days, a longer brunch time, three tutorials, and a consistent start time of 8:30am. Our bell schedule can be seen on our website here.
Classroom modernization update: Thank you to the Monta Vista and FUHSD community for your support and passage of the Measure G Bond Program. These funds from Measure G allow us to move forward on our school facility modernization needs. This coming January of 2025, modernization will start for our F-Building #4 (instrumental music classroom) and will include an increase in square footage for a percussion studio, instrument locker room, an increase in the number of practice rooms, updated fire systems, replacement of heating and cooling systems, new roof and gutter system, ceilings and floors, LED lighting, new technology and furniture. Thank you again for your support of our students and programs.
Important dates for the year:
- August 19 – First day of school
- September 2 – Labor Day/no classes
- September 5 – MV Back to School Night (on campus with more information to come)
- September 12 – 9th Grade Parent Night (hosted by our MV Counseling Team on campus with more information to come)
- See more important dates on the FUHSD Academic Calendar here.
I look forward to partnering with you for a positive upcoming 2024-2025 school year!
With Matador pride,
Ben Clausnitzer, Principal