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Meet our Students

Portrait of Rachael Ding


Rachael Ding, Class of 2024

Rachael will be attending Stanford University

"I am a part of all that I have met” - Alfred Tennyson. The best part of high school is the people you meet. I can’t count the numerous times I have been delighted, inspired, and encouraged by friends, classmates, teachers, and staff around me. If there is one thing I have learned from the serendipitous friendships I have made, it is that “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Portrait of Piyush Shanbhag


Piyush Shanbhag, Class of 2024

Piyush will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Computer Science and Music Performance

"Let exploration be your motivation. If you’re unsure about your future goals, Monta Vista is THE place to discover what interests and motivates you. There are so many things to do and people to meet that I guarantee you will find your home. At Monta Vista, you’ll make life-long memories. For me, it was touring Chicago and New York with the Chamber Orchestra, running on the beach with the water polo team in Monterey, and so much more. Knowing there are so many unique experiences to come, I believe incoming first-year students should bring a sense of gratitude and find ways to give back to the community. My four years as a Matador have been nothing short of exhilarating, and this experience wouldn’t have been possible without the encouragement and support of teachers, staff, and peers."

Monta Vista By The Numbers


Advanced Placement (AP) courses


Athletics teams in 20 sports


Student clubs


College-going rate for graduates


Award-winning student newspaper